A Year in Review

It's hard to believe that we're at the end of 2021 already and yet in looking back at what has been done in and through this organization in the past 12 months, I feel very blessed, proud and honored. In just the second full calendar year since the formal construction of Point One Vision and nearly four years following the first inspiration, a lot has happened - both in my own growth and what has happened by your support.

Our projects in Africa and the Middle East are gaining significant traction with ambitious goals in 2022. We haven't even stepped foot ourselves in these nations yet and yet our mission to empower nationals has had an intensely powerful impact. Nearly 50 leaders from different industries have graduated from our leadership course and hundreds of more participants have been influenced by this program and our resources. We've worked with youth, disabled, elderly and more.

The grace, power and love that I have experienced in Jesus through saying "yes" in this ministry is everything that carries me into the wondrous celebration of this season into the next.

Full Armor Event Recap

At the end of October, a select group of leaders who have graduated from our Full Armor Leaders Course gathered in Southern California as the core fitness leadership team for a Beautifully Flawed Foundation event. “Gym Day” was a culmination of a 5-day experience for young men and women with physical disabilities of limb loss or limb differences as a call to action in living out the purpose of their testimony - learning to exercise the power of their confidence and capabilities not despite of, but because of their stories.

Incorporating a blend of information about breath work, posture and creatively considering adaptive options for multiple varieties of limb loss, more than 20 attendees were challenged to explore their strength and mobility in new ways. And as stretched to grow and adapt as were the attendees, so was Melanie Lim who shared an account of her experience. 

Project Update: Feed Africa

Back in the Fall we asked you to help sponsor some Ugandan families with your financial resources in order to provide food, medical and living provisions for the nations' poorest. Those deliveries are going out this month as Christmas gifts! Nets4Life, a Ugandan-operated nonprofit organization, will be distributing more than 50 mosquito nets and doses of malaria medication, life-saving resources in a nation whose #1 cause of death is malaria. Your resources will also make sure that families will be provided for with a full month supply of food and the ability to share with a community.

What Endurance is For

In case you missed it, founder of Point One Vision, Sarah Loogman, circumnavigated 135 miles of the island of Oahu to raise funding and awareness for the mission of the organization. Completing the route in just under 24 hours, she aimed to embody the nature of endurance as a state of the spirit in walking in the faith of Jesus Christ. She wrote a blog about it here.

The Keiki’s at Keala

Keiki means “kid” in Hawaiian! We love our community over at the Keala Foundation that serves communities of Kauai by empowering youth to be strong mentally, physically and emotional and combat the drug and suicide epidemic that plagues Hawaii. Thanks to our supporters, Point One Vision sandbags made an appearance in the annual Kids Showcase at the Ultimate Hawaiian Trail Run that gives the program kids an opportunity to show off their hard work of the year!

If you were a part of our community in 2021, we thank you! As we step further into purpose, we are grateful for the love and faith of the people we get to serve with.

Help support our mission and service projects that facilitate health education and fitness instruction to marginalized and unreached people groups around the world with a biblical and Christ-centered message of hope, love and grace by making a donation. As we reach the end of 2021, your tax-deductible gift is much appreciated! Contact us at info@pointonevision.com for more information or talk to us about becoming a prayer partner.

Are you interested to learn more about the Full Armor Leaders Course or to sign up?


Full Armor IV: Testimony


Dry Bones Rise