A Brief Intro to the Full Armor Revelation | FREE PDF


This FREE download jam packs the contents of the complete Full Armor Revelation 1st Edition eBook into a concise, conceptual overview. If you’re not sure that you’re ready to dive into the full material or just want to understand a bullet point picture of this idea, it’s a $0 investment for you that still carries a powerful impact.

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“I’ve been sitting on this for a long time. Too long, really. The “Full Armor Revelation” came to me in a series of dreams between 2017 to 2018 as I navigated my way out of New Age spiritualism and a sports career.

I started an online course, host in-person seminar experiences and wrote a 38,000 word book on it that sat as an incomplete draft for nearly 3 years. This PDF that you have is just a brief summary, but I know that it has the power to change your life as it has for me and a lot of other people, too.

It’s free just because it should be. That’s really all there is to it. Where I might not be sure where this calling will take me, what I am sure about is that it belongs to God. He is the ultimate giver of all that is good and gracious and free.”

- Sarah Aiko Mayo

The "Period Talk" | FREE PDF